Aluminum Bleacher Planks
Over the past 15 years, GT Grandstands has built high quality aluminum bleachers, benches, picnic tables, and press boxes. We have had customers who just need to renovate their old wooden bleachers or need full scale grandstand construction projects. Those customers need aluminum planks to complete a renovation as well as bleacher parts and components to fix their old aluminum bleachers. At GT Grandstands, we have every aluminum bleacher plank size available along with each bleacher component you'll ever need. We would love to supply some repair parts or completely renovate your old bleachers!
Historically, bleachers, have all had the same design, rise, and run. But in more recent years, manufacturers have started developing unique sets of bleachers with VIP sections, ADA compliant sections, and more. We can develop a custom renovation quote that includes updating your grandstands to contain these VIP and ADA compliant sections.
Our aluminum bleacher planks, components, and hardware are listed below. Please feel free to contact us with any inquiry.